How do you organize?

Is there a correlation between organization and creativity? Some would say absolutely and I am one of them. Whether it is laying out my kids clothes the night before, labeling lunches or individual binders for each client and project. I feel that when I am organized my creativity can flow and I am able to be more present in each project.
My tips for being organized are - stay on top of it, it really only takes a minute but catch up can take an hour; buy items you like in fun colors to help you stay organized, if you like it you will use it; and evolve with each project and learn better techniques for organizing. I love keeping my office and projects grounded in white. White binders, white design boards and white notebooks. I feel the clean palette really charges my inner creative juices and I can be free to layer color, play with dimension and organize my thoughts better.
Being organized can also be looked at as being controlling. Haha! That may be true but when you are organized you can focus on what matters, focus on clients and growing your business. I am not saying my pantry is labeled and color coordinated, but I do prioritize organizing my projects for the better of my clients and business.