A Birthday Message

With the passage of time I get stronger, stand taller and grow closer to my faith.
Oh man, it has been a minute. My family and I have been sick. The norovirus went through my family’s home which has caused work to take a back seat and life and family to be my priority.
A little over a year ago, I committed myself to not be torn down or shut down but to continue to build a business that is rooted in truth, faith and family. I committed to being a working mom and standing firmly behind what that means. What does it mean?! It means messy at times, sick kids attending appointments and sometimes running behind because of life and priorities shifting under circumstances that I can’t always control.
In the face of adversity, I decided to keep moving forward. The old saying - the only way out is through, became my morning mantra. I trusted those close to me and quickly cut out the people who brought poison into my life. I have never run my business from a place of dishonesty but there are lots of unhappy people in this world who love to thrive in other people’s mistakes. Misery loves company and to those people I say - get a life!
I sit here after turning 45 and think - I am not afraid. I know God has a plan for me and a path. Like I said in a previous blog, I heard over and over again in my mind…Vintage Lane Interiors. I knew it was His plan for me. As I have had to cut ties with dishonest and disloyal subs, GCs and a previous client; I know that the work I do is quality, creative and done from a good place. Have I made mistakes as I started this business, yes…but to anyone who wants to focus on my mistakes I say; I dare you to sit where I sit and start something on your own. You won’t because it is easier to sit back and poke holes at what I have done.
To my clients who have stuck by me and cheered me on, you are where I find strength and hope to keep going. I love what I do. I love being creative and I love working with interesting people and families. I have seen so many wonderful families in the time I have started this business and I have learned so much. You have kept me going.
Thank you for being apart of this journey with me. Thank you for having faith and trust in me but most importantly; believing in what I am building.